Sunsetting ACR Call Recorder


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Time to move to ACR Phone (blue)

After 10 years, it is no longer possible to improve ACR Call Recorder (red) due to Google Play Store policy changes. We are sunsetting ACR Call Recorder (red) and focus our efforts on our new FREE app ACR Phone Call Recorder (blue), Spam Call Blocker & SIP Client (Google Play Store link, app page ).


Will ACR Phone (blue) fix call recording issues?

Yes and No. ACR Phone can record perfectly on Android 7 and 8. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to record from the line since Android 9. ACR Phone (blue) can record fine on some phones but may require turning on the loud speaker on others. This is due to limitations brought to Android by Google and affects all apps with call recording feature. No app can record from the line or Bluetooth properly anymore.

IMPORTANT Since May 2022, you also need APH (ACR Phone Helper) from other app stores to enable call recording on ACR Phone (blue). This is due to (yet!) another limitation from Google. See details here.


What will happen to my Pro license

Nothing, you can continue keep ACR Call Recorder (red) and ACR pro as long as it works. But, you may start getting erros or see this notice sometimes.

Some of our users asking if they can transfer their ACR Pro license to ACR Phone (blue).
This is not possible for couple of reasons.