Future of ACR Call Recorder by NLL APPS

ACR Call Recorder (red) will be put on maintenance mode. Read information below to understand reasons and what to do next


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Time to move to ACR Phone (blue)

It is no longer possible to improve ACR Call Recorder (red) due to Google Play Store policy changes. We are going to put ACR Call Recorder (red) in to maintenance mode and focus our efforts on our new FREE app ACR Phone (blue), Call Recorder, Spam Call Blocker & SIP Client (Google Play Store link, app page ).

Download ACR Phone (blue)

IMPORTANT Since May 2022, you also need to download APH (ACR Phone Helper) to enable call recording on Android 10 and above. Go to https://acr.app for more info and download links.


Will ACR Phone (blue) fix call recording issues?

Yes and No. ACR Phone (blue) can record perfectly on Android 7 and 8. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to record from the line since Android 9. ACR phone (blue) can record fine on some phones but may require turning on the loud speaker on others. This is due to limitations brought to Android by Google and affects all apps with call recording feature. No app can record from the line or Bluetooth properly anymore.


What will happen to my Pro license

Nothing, you can continue keep ACR Call Recorder (red) and ACR pro as long as it works if you don't like ACR Phone (blue).

Some of our users asking if they can transfer their ACR Pro license to ACR Phone.
This is not possible for couple of reasons.


How did we come to this point?

Android 12 - The last blow!

Apps that target Android 12 can no longer start foreground services while running in the background, except for a few special cases.
This means ACR cannot start recording when you receive a call and you would have to open it and start recording by tapping on record button. While it may be possible to overcome this with -yet more- manual permissions such as asking user to allow app to Ignore Battery Optimization, Google's stance is obvious.

More info is at https://developer.android.com/about/versions/12/behavior-changes-12#foreground-service-launch-restrictions


Google Play Store policy changes and ACR Call Recorder (red)

Most of our users would remember changes to Google Play Store policy on March 2019. Google denied phone number and call log access permission to all call recording apps including ACR Call Recorder (red). No call recording app from the beginning of March 2019 is be able to access incoming or outgoing phone number.

This was the main blow to ACR Call Recorder (red) as it is almost useless without call log and phone number access.


Call recording issues

Real two-way call recording is not possible since Android 9. Call recording apps started using device microphone to record calls from earpiece on Android 9. While microphone recording works fine on some, it is impossible to record properly on other phones

Android 10 dealt another blow by limiting microphone access during calls to Accessibility Services. Some call recorders moved to use accessibility service but it is uncertain if using accessibility allowed or how long it can be used for.